America the Beautiful

So Many Cities & So Much Fun!

If exploring America is your thing, you're in the right place due to my extensive background in setting up unique trips to America's most predominant cities. You'll be exposed to museums, art, performances, local food and drink, you name it. I am an expert in too many cities to list, but we'll start here...New York City, New Orleans, Boston, Chicago, Austin, Miami, Atlanta, Nashville, the list goes on and on and on. I started traveling around the U.S. when I was a teenager by myself believe it or not. I imagine when I'm 95, I'll still be doing it, just with a walker and eating pudding. All kidding aside, you'll be guided on an unbelievable trip as you go adventure. Weather you've been to the destination or not, you'll be staying at premium locations and eating the finest foods during your visit to America's greatest cities!